
Instructions & Requirements



The Cornell International Affairs Review is currently accepting submissions for our Spring 2025 issue. The submission deadline is Monday, February 24, 2025 at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time.


Manuscripts must be original research papers between 8,000 to 16,000 words in length and written in English. This word count excludes the abstract, as well as all references, diagrams, and appendices.

Manuscripts must pertain to an aspect of contemporary international affairs and international relations (defined as events, trends, and issues occurring, emerging, and/or concluding within the last 40 years to date), but may not substantially address current events (defined as topics related to discrete events that are either ongoing or began within the last two years to date). Policy proposals (defined as papers primarily or substantially seeking to advocate for the adoption of a certain policy, law, regulation, or other political outcome) will not be accepted for publication. The definitions given above are meant to serve as rough guidelines, rather than definitive requirements. The editorial board reserves full discretion as to the admissibility of a particular topic or manuscript.

All manuscripts must contain properly formatted references based on the Chicago note-bibliography reference system. Complete pincites and all necessary locating information must be provided for every reference—this holds true for both footnotes and in-text citations of any style. Authors who have formatted their references using alternate citation systems (Chicago author-date, Bluebook, APA, etc.) will be required to fully reformat their references within two weeks of the paper’s acceptance. Papers without complete pincites may be summarily rejected.

Manuscripts will not be accepted for publication if they are currently under review or consideration by any other journal, press, or publication. Authors are responsible for withdrawing their submissions to other publications prior to submission to the Review, and may not submit the same manuscript elsewhere during the review process. Furthermore, submitted manuscripts must not have been previously published in another journal, press, or publication. These restrictions apply both to the substance as well as the specific composition of the manuscript. Exceptions to this rule may be granted at the discretion of the editorial board, but failure to affirmatively disclose prior publication will result in the immediate and final revocation of any and all publication offers extended to the author or authors by the Review.

Manuscripts are typically written by academics, postgraduate students, or undergraduate students currently or recently affiliated with accredited institutions of higher learning. As well, we welcome manuscripts from current and former government officials, as well as experts affiliated with established policy institutes, think tanks, and other similar non-governmental organizations. If you are a potential author interested in whether or not you should submit to the review, please email directly.

Each manuscript may have an unlimited number of authors, provided that every listed author has substantively contributed to the production of the manuscript in some manner. When multiple authors are listed, one author should be designated as the corresponding author. All authors must give written consent to the submission of the manuscript in question, and should be available to approve any major editorial decisions.

Authors may submit only a single manuscript for review per publication cycle. Furthermore, any and all manuscripts previously submitted to the journal may not be resubmitted in a substantially similar form within two publication cycles, barring express permission from the editorial board.

Manuscripts that do not adhere to the submission requirements above will be summarily rejected prior to the review process. Exceptions may be granted upon request at the sole discretion of the editorial board.

Instructions & Deadlines

Manuscripts should be sent to before 11:59 PM Eastern Time on the date of the deadline, and must be submitted as a PDF file. Ensure that the title of the attached document matches the actual title of your submission.

In the body of the email, provide your full name, preferred term of address (Dr., Mr., Ms., Professor, etc.), affiliated academic institution, a word count for your manuscript, and an affirmative attestation that you have withdrawn your manuscript from all other journals, presses, or publications that you may have previously submitted to. The subject line of the email should be formatted as such: [S25]: Title of Submission.

In the interest of maintaining anonymity during our review process, all personally identifiable information (names of the primary authors, affiliated institutions, academic advisors, etc.) must be redacted from the manuscript before submission.